unfortunately that guy went to this show too.
i can't stop playing this though. its my favorite song right now. a recluse from my college wrote and sings. when i emailed him for the lyrics, he sent them:
the lyrics, fairly ridiculous but composed in a delirium.
i don't shave, i shed and eat the whiskers
waiting in line at the overhang dealership
all light long
if all roads lead to home then let me spin
and keep your hoodoo, keep your deals
all light long
i was an altruistic peasant now a cold unfeeling king
i sold my heart in exchange for nothing
all light long
and then the lights came - all in together now
(then the lights came) fall in together now
and stay
all light long
i've been away from your house way too long.
i drove my paintings crazy, i drove my plymouth to the levee
bu the levee wasn't there - so idled
all light long
and upon returing to the house of god i had to wade through the water
and it carried me for miles
all light long
i've been away from your house way too long.