right here folks
yep. add another scruffy husky to the list. lets just call them scrufkys who knows where this love originates.
bluegrass fest was rad. i got to wear a fedora, and my plaid dress, and open-toed click heels, while walking around with my dog. rowdy is a great accessory - when he behaves...
i felt san francisco spirit this weekend again. so that was helpful, because ever since watching the bridge movie, i've been kind of in the dumps.
the bridge the movie about suicide during 2004 was NOT happy. so far, 34 people have jumped off the bridge this year. suicides are up. so is my obsession with the count on that damn bridge. 2 years ago i couldnt look at that bridge without feeling some kind of accomplishment. now i look at the bridge and am grab the closest thing next to me for a hug. 1 year ago i looked to the bridge for pride - biking across the bridge daily, filled my life with accomplishment.
my point? take caution in watching the movie: THE BRIDGE.
there are better things to talk about.
my 16th one true love jim james is in BECOMING DYLAN -

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