in the bible (which simply saying the word bible these days sounds so false...) so, in BIBLICAL days, the washing of feet, pretty much meant that it was "go time". you went to the temple, got your feet washed before god, etc.
since being back in new york, i had FORGOTTEN the pleasure of washing my feet before bedtime. in new york city, it becomes a summer ritual of sorts. during the summer, you wear skimpy, skin-revealing shoes, you wear no socks, you walk around, your feet get dirty. you go home, you wash your feet before bed. well, if you are a semi-anal like me.... nothing major, just a damp washcloth.
my feet have taken the hit this trip. parts of my toes have no skin. other parts have been swollen for 4 days. other parts simply gave up and went numb.
with my friend tonight, she commented on how she loves the walking. its her usual comment. and then we had the above conversation. i looked down, and noticed she was wearing flip flops. huh. "oh yeah" i said to myself, and then i remembered how new yorkers sometimes carry flip flops in their bags during the summer. you never know when its going to rain. they also help ease pain while breaking in new shoes.
nothing major, just a cultural note.
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