I was going through my pics from this year, and realized that by march, i wasn't picking "artistic" pictures. I was picking all of my pictures with my friends & family.
I would like to call 2011 one of my banner years thus far. I met so many new friends & had a lot of good times & took some of my favorite pictures yet.
My wish for 2012 is to continue the momementum: take more pics & make more friends! Here are my pics of friends & family in chronological order.
melissa in san pedro
dan deacon my college alumni @ the independant
cousins visited me for a weekend of fun!!
tommy & ryan - new crossfit friends
my co-worker friends
new girlfriends heather, (me) & lauren @ kentucky derby gathering
tuna burgers
grayson turns 1!
4th of July russian river tubing
Rowdy & I learned how to garden this year with SRHS
I drove to Oregon & spent a short weekend on the family farm.
Heather, Matthew, Ashley, Dan for random dinner on my deck.
Snacks from new neighbor friend Kate
More food @ lauren & heathers house!
Kristin came out of visit from FL!
paul & niele got married
brian - my new photographer adventure friend
Then Laura & Olivia came out & we ran from SF to Napa with 10 other people!!
My team
the miata travels to mazda raceway for porsche event
One of my favorite days - NY trip & a snow day in RYE
Leyla, me & anna @ littleneck in brooklyn
drove to phoenix & ate turkey with my brother
got to see kat & family in arizona too!
Stinky Cheese party with Mike
christmas with the kneafseys
new years with all of my close friends. it was a great year.
crust from miette cookbook was a little soft... but the idea was from mark bittmans rustic pear tart. clearly i threw the word rustic out the door when the going got tough.
no one this pretty & stylish knows this much sadness. whats her problem? she's probably sad someone covered joni again. no offense james blake. i do love you. i bought your album & i like it.
(James Blake - A Case of You)
another james blake that i adore:
Skyler Kilborn and Logan Grime make up indie electro-pop group, Midi Matilda and their music skills are matched only by their directorial talents, which can be seen in their self-produced clip to the track Day Dreams.
Shot over ten nights in San Francisco and Berkeley, California, the video was filmed in a studio and then that product was projected onto surfaces around the aforementioned cities. Kilborn and Grime then took 3,300 photos of the projections to make up each frame of the advanced stop-motion project.
The end result is an almost seizure-inducing clip, reminiscent of cartoons that are placed in real life settings. Think Teeny Little Super Guy from Sesame Street or the Flight Of The Conchords video, Carol Brown which was directed by the brilliant Michel Gondry. It cleverly utilises the plethora of surfaces in the cities; from people, walls, lampposts and trees. The choreographed dance moves that Midi Matilda bust out only add to the fun.